
Estate Planning 91024

Everyone needs an agent – but no, even though we live in Southern California, I’m not talking about the Hollywood type. An agent is someone you designate to handle your estate after you’ve gone or who can make certain decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself. Here are the types of agents […]

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A new year always brings the sad reviews of notable personalities who have died in the past year. Two A list movie stars – Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Walker – provide a cautionary tale on the importance of keeping your estate plan up to date. In Hoffman’s case, his 2004 estate plan had never […]

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One of the many challenges my wife and I face as parents is simply trying to keep the peace between our children. Our six-year-old son and five-year-old daughter can be the best of friends … and the worst of enemies (often alternating between the two multiple times within the span of just a few minutes). […]

As I help clients get their financial affairs in order, one of the most common mistakes I see is how beneficiaries are named on IRAs. As we kick off the New Year I want to encourage you to set aside just a few moments to look at how you’ve named the beneficiaries of your IRAs. […]

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My wife started a “tradition” our first New Year’s Eve as a married couple. We each wrote down our resolutions for the coming year. That was in 2003. On New Year’s Eve in 2004, we pulled them out to see how we’d done. New Year’s resolutions are not something I would have ever done on […]

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There are so many things to love about this time of year. Holiday cheer and generosity of spirit flow freely. But if you’re not careful, giving gifts could actually land you on the naughty list (at least the one kept by the IRS). So here are some guidelines to follow when gifting to charity or […]